Re: Parasite infection!
Hello Boldyloxx!
Oxypowder really DOES expell Parasites! at least for me it did! it looked like it was starting to hatch in my feces but the OP pushed it all out and there was A TON of them! i was completly infested, i was sooooo grossed out! and for that entire week i literly felt as if i was gonna loose my mind! my body ached,my mind was fogged up, i was irritable,aggressive,aggitated,manic,could'nt sleep,tired,moody and felt really really really sick in general.I guess my body is no longer used to eating rare meats,because i really felt like i was gonna die! i could feel pain down deep in my lowerleft side of my intestines and i had an irritability that just would'nt go away, it felt as if i was sooo angry and aggitated,frustrated for no reason. thank god for
Oxypowder because it cleared it all out! next wednesday i am REALLY gonna clean it all out for the next three days after that! and do a full on three day cleanse! I don't know, i may just have to completly rebuild my digestive system all over again, because it seems like i can no longer digest anything anymore, the reason for my going back to raw meats...but i know one thing for sure, if i ever go to WAR- i am eating a 40oz. bloody blue rare porter house! because it'll make me go crazy!
SIgh, i don't know anymore what to eat
i remember the days i used to eat raw/rare meats be completly oblivious to
parasites and i didn't really worry about it.The odd thing is when eating like that, my skin was really clear and tight, my muscle tone was excellent, my complexion was great and digestion was awesome as well.I even remember about once a month my body would go through it's own 'cleansing phase' where i would expell everything for like 2-3 days in a row..hhmmmm, i guess the jury is still out on what was really going on.
But right now, my body seems to no longer be aggreeing with it.If i ever have a terminal illness, i may use the primal diet once again i have nothing to loose by them..literly.But for now, i may have to eat only fruits,veggies,light proteins for a while
after my big bar-b-Q tommorow of course
speaking of Pro-biotics, would it be beneficial to supplement with them?
i was just reading an Ad for some and may just be interested..hhmmmmmm