Re: Parasite infection!
Wow, Ryger! your post is a big inspiration for me to buy
Oxypowder and start using it finally -- and to pick back up on the pineapple, etc!! It is so good to hear that you came to this point in your life. In the end, a person has to come to their own conclusions themselves- and no amount of preaching from us is going to do any good.
I read in some books on
parasites how raw meat users do tend to have more parasites--especially certain roundworms and
Tapeworms you only get in meats. My old boyfriend my age eats raw meat from time to time, and I feel he has tapeworm. Reason being that even though his muscles are cut everywhere else, he has irritable bowel symptoms and gas all the time. Once in a while his stomach gets distended to.
I feel I got some
Tapeworm from him-- because after 2 years dating him, I got the same symptoms-which i never had before in my life. He is so stubborn that he wont stop eating raw meat- but sometimes he is doubled over in pain on the couch from intestinal pain a few hours later. He was willing to listen a little bit and makes sure to eat at least frozen fruits from the bag at night- which for him cleans out his colon really good.
Many of these worms dont stay in the intestines, but migrate to other parts of the body. Some areas, they build cysts over them to protect them-- and the cysts make them invisible during X-rays. Instead, the doctor thinks you have a tumor or benign cyst.
This doesnt mean that Vegans and vegetarians are immune to any
parasites either! We veggie-tarians can easily pick up fluke worm, other round worms, etc just by not cleaning our produce before eating it.
As for that guy that stated that
parasites are good for us-- yeah, if you have cancer, they can eat up flesh that is full of cancer -but they spread it to other areas of the body as they migrate around. Also, worms cause cancer too by constantly irritating certain organs over and over again - til cells in that area mutate into cancer cells.
Some living protoazoa -- such as the good digestive bacteria really help the body. Anti-biotics kill this good bacteria along with the bad kind -- so you have to build it back up with pro-biotics. Often parasites hatch and thrive in a body with heavy metal and chemical build-up, but they also have no problem hatching in a healthy body- and turn it into a sick one. Which is why I feel everyone should do maintenance
parasite cleanses AT LEAST twice a year.
Colon Cleanses also. And end the
parasite cleanse with two old fashioned liver flushes.
I use a natural veggie wash I pick up for $3.99 a 16
oz bottle-- and spray my fruits, etc, -- rub with my hands then rinse with water. Once I forgot to do that on a grocery store apple, and I had to spit out the skins, becuase all I could taste was pesticide chemicals.
Put a table spooon or so of the veggie wash in a big bowl to soak hard to clean veggies like broccoli or lettuce. You can swish it in the water and let soak for 5 minutes or so, then rinse. A salad spinner is ideal to spin evertyhing dry.
I eat all fruits and veggies, and am not a true vegetarian, because I still will eat cooked fish and eggs-- and turkey, chicken-- as well as organic dairy and organic cheeses. Mostly, my diet is abou 75% more raw nuts, fruits and veggies!
I still have the occasional pizza too- on wholegrain crust, so some true health gurus would really dissaprove of me. But I will no longer put any commercial chemical junk in my body like I did for years. I notice a big difference in my health since then!