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Re: Tapeworm Question
stemmy Views: 4,018
Published: 19 y
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Re: Tapeworm Question

Thank you the information. I feel like a voodoo doctor each day with all of the things I am doing to rid of them. I am on Colonix, which includes the Paranil pills and the fiber powder. Every morning I make a concoction of apple juice, the fiber powder, 2 droppers of Black-Walnut Wormwood extract, and aloe vera juice. I take 4 Paranil pills in the morning. I am also taking both liver and kidney cleanse pills 3 times a day. And I also eat pineapple every day after my drink. And drink alot of water each day. I have found that all of this keeps me regular and gets alot of dead parasites out. I just get down because I wish I knew how long I am going to have to keep this up before I feel better. With all of them I see passing you would think there can't be much more. I used to have pain in my left abdomen, but now it has moved to the right lower abdomen which worries me. I also always feel movement right under my left rib cage, typically when I haven't eaten in a while. The other day I started feeling a weird sensation in my elbow. And my eyes are constantly irritated and fogged. If I am getting rid of so many then why am I starting to feel them in other parts of my body, and does that mean its getting worse? Some days I just want to give up. It affects everything I do. I always have to be near a bathroom, and some days I just feel so gross that I can't go to work or work out.


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