Hi! any type of
parasite like
Tapeworm or Acarius that happens to be aggravating your glands or liver in some way will make you gain weight!
Alot of times, you feel like you have a big Beer Belly! The belly fat is from a sluggish thyroid, influenced by a stressed out liver-- which is trying to deal with a
parasite infestation.
Sounds like you are successfully passing these worms. You are doing something right, or you wouldnt be passing them dead.
Keep at it the cleanses, and after a bit, do a series of three
Liver Flushes (spaced one every 2 weeks.
Keep your colon clean as well.
Try not to eat any animal fats (other than yogurt or kefir maybe) and get more plant and nut fats. Omega 3 from fish is good to.
Flax oil has Omega 9 fats also will support your liver and body to burn the excess fat.
Drink lots of clean water in between meals to flush out the fat from the fat cells.
Be patient, eventually you will lose the extra weight. Even liver fluke worms slow down the metabolism by stressing out the liver . Every organ links together in some way and it always seems the metabolism gets challenged when they are stressed.