Re: Eczema and Ascaris? Cleansing help...
Yea for awile I thought for sure it was yeast problem and it still could be but I just have no idea why I would have yeast.
I have never gotten Imunization shots and I'v only been on
Antibiotic once before when I got my wisdom teeth pulled and I'v had this problem with eczema since I was 2 years old.
What I think is really odd is I got eczema When I went to beach Myrtle beach and the water was really dirty and my brothers and sisters all got something from the water like rashes or hives and all of their problems just went away like an allergic reaction to posion ivy or
food allergy will go away when you're taken away from it but mine never went away.
I also thought it may be
parasites because throughout my whole life since I was a baby I'v been exposed to animals we always had dogs, lizards, rabbits, hamsters, cats.
Right now we have 1 cat that lives inside and an outside dog.
And I never seem to itch when I'm around the animals and I really don't think I'm allergic to them.
But when I eat garlic my eczema gets worse but the problem is that
parasites and candida are both effected by garlic and such.
So it must be one of them.
Also when I stay on my no
Sugar diet and no bad foods my eczema is red and dry but doesn't give me a problem with itching only at night.
parasites and candida are both effected by high
Sugar diets so it's just kinda confusing to be honest.
I just turned 18 too so I don't understand why my liver would be messed up I had a rough diet when I was younger but no rougher then anyone else my mother has always cooked healthy food and supplied us with filtered or spring water, Fresh veggies and fruits.
But I tried the CoQ10 dose 4000MG just to see what it would do for me I'm very curious I don't personally expect it to work but that's just the attitude I'v had to adapt from years of having eczema I'm sure everyone on this forum who has had eczema for years knows exactly what Im saying if you allow yourself to get excited about something working and for me it never usually does it's just depressing like falling straight on your ass.
Anyway thanks for any help.
This site is a light at the end of my tunnel for sure just nice to talk to other people who have eczema and are trying to get rid of it naturally. and parasites for that matter.