The debris was like a cut off piece of fabric... did not look like a parasite. Was definitely long and thin. And then a few black dirt like soil looking things. Like stuff that is in planting soil.
But my pressure is just like a presence on my right side 2-3 inches down from my ribs. Like I just know something is there... either a gall bladder full of stones or something. BEEN THERE 4-5 years on and off now that I think about it. Not constantly. So I don;t know. Not really liike yours. Seems to never change places or size. But I feel it more in the last year. and it bothers me when I take the liver herbals. so maybe it's the gall bladder??? I just figure it will go when I get my cleanses done. So maybe it is not worms... but I have some I know. Those were eggs like yours if those are eggs.
I will probably do a colonic later this week to see what else I can force out with this parasite cleanse.