Re: pineapple cleanse 4th day-
Hi Ryger:
On my 4th day too...last night I had revenge of the parasites.
Yesterday (3rd day) after eating 1 1/2 pineapples, 3 pomegrantes, and pumpkin seeds I felt great. However, my last handful or two, they started to fight back. My stomach felt like it was in labor, with serious pains and gripping and gas. I suspect that this could have been a tape reacting to being killed by the pom seeds (for awhile I have suspected tape in the stomach). I drank fresh ginger to see if things would clam down. It didn't help. I then ate a little bit of raw onion and oddly enough, it helped somewhat.
Later on I had I had diarrhea for a couple of hours and a lot of stomach labor pains. Finally I was able to go to sleep after visualizing blue light surrounding the stomach.
Today I feel normal. Haven't eaten anything all day but plan to have just pineapple.
By the way, I agree with Beht. It may be helpful for you to cut back your raw meat consumption slowly.