A reason to reconsider meat consumption
Below is a link with an interview, with Dr. Richard Schultz who had a
clinic in Malibu. He discusses parasitic infections and meat
“Basically, one of the reasons people get
parasites is that they don't have their bowels moving frequently enough. Animal
food, especially meat, is loaded with parasites. In fact, one of my patients
was a zoology expert, and used to examine all types of meats because they feed
meats to animals. And, he said their average cubic inch, that's cubic, not a
square inch, had over a thousand parasite larvae in it. That's the average
cubic inch of USDA, grade A beef….
And, see, this is where the problem is. It's not
so much that we eat parasite larva, because, you can even get parasite larva on
vegetables. It's that we are not having bowel movements. When you are supposed
to have a bowel movement two to three times a day with your meals, and you are
only having one two or three times a week, or every other day, or, even once a
day, then the parasite larva can hatch. …. I have had many patients who were
heavy meat eaters. They were the ones that I got the biggest amount of
parasites out of…. I had one person come to me that was overweight and a heavy,
heavy meat eater and he wanted to do the parasite cleansing. I put him on it,
and, at his next visit, while he was seeing me, he got horrible abdominal
cramps. He went into the bathroom, and then he asked me to come in - he
literally filled the bowl with worms.” You can read the rest of the interview at the link below.
Your pumpkin seeds need to be raw. If you can find shelled, that's better.
If you purchase one of the Pur water filters, it would be helpful
for washing vegs and drinking. Unfortunately, tap water carries
parasites. You can wash your vegs & fruits in food grade
Hydrogen Peroxide (35%, not the brown bottle stuff), it kills the
parasites and eggs. Hydro, by the way, is actually pure oxygen; the
parasites can survive in it. They need to soak for 20 mins in the
solution. Some people use bleach but I'm too scared to use it on food.
I've used vinegar or food veg washes.