Dear amster, How about going off it? At least until your cleared? I've been a dairy junkie all my life and attribute much of my trouble to this, especially since I too drank raw milk in the past. The info on Dr Richard Schulze 's site finally convinced me to stop (at least until I'm healed). He's at and I've seen his name at this site too. You might enjoy some of the dairy substitutes, such as the various soy milks (I prefer Vanilla flavored) and Soy Dream (substitute for ice-cream, my fav is Chocolate). I get various essential oils from 1-800-220-3741 and enjoy a few drops in my soy milk (must dilute these powerful concentrated oils or they can burn your tongue). Even some of the soy yogurts are pretty good (tho' not all). Seems the ones in the little cups are better than those in the large containers. You might also like the Rice Dream products, tho' they're too sweet for me and not mellow enough. A friend tells me that if you put frozen bananas through a juicer, it tastes just like creamy banana ice-cream.