Re: Die off
Hmmm...good question, I'm still working on that myself.
colonics and coffee enemas, like mother said, are really helpful. Actually, I've been doing a lot of
colonics this time around, and it has helped immensely.
I guess as you experiment (I know, I'm always scared before trying anything new too), you'll soon get to know what your die off symptoms are and how to manage them. For me, my biggest symptom is panic attacks, and I was very afraid to be out in public and at work with these happening. It did happen quite a few times too. But now I know that the panic will happen about 1 or 2 hours after I've taken a couple doses, so I take some in the morning, then maybe a small one in the early afternoon, and then when I know I'll be home in a hour, I'll take if it happens I'll be home by then. This has been better than before...but I'm still working on it.
But, the panic now is not as bad as it once was a couple years ago, and that's been because of liver flushes. These are amazing! If you haven't looked into them yet, this will help you a lot. I always do the
Hulda Clark e type flush, but go very light on the amount of oil (I don't handle fats well because I'm so congested). There's lots of info at the
Liver Flush Forum ...maybe you do these already too.
If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.