Hello again! I had to back off and slow down. thanks so much for the information it sure is helpful. Do you all feel better now. I do feel better but its just so hard to believe that we are so full of these critters. It is just so gross! I've never been so freaked in my life as to feel them moving around in my insides. Alife time of eating food I guess. I took some coloidal silver and that seemed to help with the heart flip flops. I'm doing the Liver Cleanses and maintenance doses right now and I'm going to order the zapper this next week. I am not going to give up I want these nasty critters gone. cq 10 I'll do this week to. I backed off of the olive leaf extract. Has anyone did the pumpkin seeds castor oil. that sounds promising to wash the critters out. I think I will try that to. Anyway good luck to all and thanks for the support and information.
Sincerely, Swtwil