Re: worm in toilet!!!
Hi, thanks for the response and information.
I was sort-of hoping that another one would show up so I could save it and take it to the doctor, but none so far. However, from what I am seeing of your experience, this may have not done me any good! Still, I wish I could have had it, taken a picture and scanned it on the computer so I could at least have it. If it ever happens again, I will get some shots and save and take it to the doc.
I am sorry you are having so much trouble with it. I would think the lab would at least be able to ID it!
Have you considered Great Smokies Lab? I hear they are good at tests for stool, et. so I am thinking they may be good for possibly ID'ing the worm.
I also have had little success with my digestive problems in the MD range. I use herbs to treat my symptoms, but no healing has taken place. The only difference I have ever noticed was when I eliminated things from my diet, but I think for worms, I will have to use some type of cleanse from the health food store.
Please do post if you find out what it was, or if you can, I would love to see a picture of it. Either way, I would like to find out what happens.
God bless,