Re: Thanks for sharing, Mike. The link between mercury and parasites...
Last year while camping for a month I got a terrible tooth ache. I went to a dental school (scary) in the area to get my tooth fixed. They couldn't really find any reason for the extreme pain I was in, but went ahead and "fixed" the tooth by putting in a temporary filling. The next day I felt so ill and only got worse as the days passed. By the time I made it home two weeks later I had suffered greatly with some mysterious illness. I had very high fevers and severe headaches. When I got home I about 10
pounds lighter (which for me is a tenth of my weight). I finally went to a doctor, something I don't do unless absolutly necessary! He said he thought I had some tick-born illness, which is what my friends were thinking too. But when he got the results of the blood tests back he said he couln't find anything wrong with me! He also said he could find nothing wrong with my liver ( he did a liver panel test after I told him I had Hep. C.)I began to wonder if maybe I hadn't been poisoned at the dental school. The Dr. gave me perscrition for for some
Antibiotic which seemed to clear up what ever was wrong with me, but when I read things like what you posted about mercury I start to wonder again. My mouth is full of mercury fillings but I am in the same boat as most in that I can't afford to have them fixed right now. I am thankful for you posts... food for thought!