Re: 2/19/2004
thanks for the remarks MAJ.
I take ozonated Olive oil for the
parasite cleanse only. Taking to much ozonated olive oil, according to Dr. Clark, whom I am following for the
parasite cleanse; remarks how taking ozonated olive oil could age fat cells faster than normal. Taking the dose for the
parasite cleanse is small enough that the benefits outway the 'potential' side effects.
Those are my words - I am not quoting her.
As for your doze of O.O. I can not say. But if I were you I would stop until further research on that subject was understood clearer by me.
I too have dry skin in the winter time and what I call 'old man hands' all year around. I have noticed a huge difference when I changed to herbal products for cleaning myself. Shampoo and bar soap specifically. I use JoJoBa Oil, Aloe Vera, and Yucca root ONLY as a shampoo. Made by Aubrey Organics. And Tea Tree pure castile bar soap. Forget the maker. My old man hands are less old. Dryness is gone and the wrinkles are slowely going away. I'll never get to the appearance one normally has for my age. But I like the change.
Taking the Flax-oil and Cottage cheese I also noticed a difference. The cottage cheese is for the protien that is needed to digest the Flax-oil my effectively.
You body needs 3 times the Omega-6 than the Omega-3 or 3:1. Todays diets have that ratio at around 50:1, Omega6:3.
Dry skin can be a sympton among other things.
Hope that helps.
As for the PH - I am a newbe too to this topic. I hope someone answers your question as now I'd like to know too. :o)