Re: i need a straight answer, please help
There are lots of things you can do that don't cost a lot to help yourself. You have too many issues to deal with for it to be one thing and it can take a multitude of changes and progams to find what will help you get well.
I use "Nature's Secret" brand for cleansing the colon, parasites, liver and candida and they are inexpensive when purchased at and and I think they work just as well as anything else I have tried.
Buy a juicer and start
juicing and eating a candida based diet that incorporates lots of raw veggies. This will help to get some good nutrients into your system with the enzymes intact. Especially add lots of garlic, onions, cayenne, raw organic pumpkin seeds to your diet too. Don't forget lots of pure drinking water.
Read the Master Cleaner forum for an easy and inexpensive way to cleanse your system.
Search the web for "MegaHydrin" or "Mega H" which is a very potent antioxidant. You can also search for Microhydrin or Active H, as they are all formulated by the same person, just different prices and some ingredients.
Research uses for
Colloidal Silver and how to make it at home.
Read about Oxygen therapies and how to use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide as a therapy.
Read the ebook concerning depression.
Definitely read "
The Cure For All Diseases " by Dr.
Hulda Clark
Find a good nutritionist or holistic doctor who is willing to test you for heavy metal poisoning, mineral imbalances, and organ function.
You have to decide what is affordable and right for you. There is no definite answer to your problems, but I hope these suggestions can help you to get on track.
Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.