hello to the forum, im in trouble, my life is going down hill and i feel like i have no control over it because i have many symptoms without diagnosis, i have an ache in my lower right side, chest pains, loose mucussy stools, constipation, trouble breathing and swallowing, conjestion, thick stick saliva, headaches, nasea, malase, fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia and im very lathargic and irratable i've gone to the doctor so many times and been sent away with a clean bill of health, done a blood test about 3 months and 2 years ago, aswell as stool and urine sample's, which came back fine, my parents, friends, family and doctor, all tell me im fine but i know i am not, i know my own body enough to tell when somethings wrong, and i feel helpless and just want to live again. The only things i have been diagnosed with are anxiety and
Depression which im taking anti-depressants for, and seeing a shrink, and also IBS. However i also have a very unpleasant odor emitting from me which my friends have told me about, although my parents cant smell it. i've read about all of these cleanse's and things which sound like there expensive and a difficult process to go through, i would be willing to try them if i knew which one(s) i would benefit from. If u have any idea if these symptoms are
parasite related or something more serious, i would appreciate it..thanks