Contravercial? - maybe. IBS is a term used by Docs to define a group of symptoms they have no explanation for. It is a bucn of nonsence! (just my opinion)
I agree with Demi - READ UP IMMEDIATELY ON CANDIDA! unfortuantely, many of us have had your EXACT syptoms and told 'you are normal' (what is normal) YOU ARE RIGHT - only YOU know how you feel. when you get your candida under control you will not need your anti-depressants and will be able to take back control of your life!
p.s if money is tight (we could all do with more right?!) - I would suggest you make changing your diet a priority, and maybe introducing large amounts of garlic. You don't always have to buy all these expensive anifungals for treatment - many people have recovered by using foods and natural/cheap antifungal foods.