Re: die off or hormones or both - just rotten all around
There is this woman I work with that was trying to tell me that a lot of physical symptoms and illnesses have emotional roots to them. She told me about this technique, EFT, thåt is supposed to be really powerful to breåk the link that the brain often creåtes between certain memories and negåtive emotions/physical symptoms.
Kind of like when you smell a certain smell and instantly a memory is attatched to the smell, so can there be a link between memories and emotional and/or physical pain or illness.
I attended a workshop she gave on EFT, and it was really interesting. It involves using the acupressure points to tap on while saying certain possitive affirmations. This supposedly reprograms the brain to let go of that particular unhealthy link.
Me explaining this is probably doing it a great injustice. If you do want to learn more, there is a website where you can download the EFT manual for free. The guy kind of babbles a lot in it, but I think eventually you will get to the basics in how to do it.
I just wish we had an EFT forum here at curezone, because it seems like a lot of people are helped by it. Psychologists and Psychiatrists are now using it to help their patients.
Enough said. I am just sort of dabbling with it now. Maybe it's helping, maybe not. I can't tell yet.
Good luck!