Re: Some excellent responses a few more questions though
Try oil pulling to help out with nasal congestion - look into the dental work you've done,
root canals Amalgam fillings all contribute to chronic infections.
Improve your digestion and cleanse toxins away - use digestive enzymes/ betaine HCl if low stomach acid.
Okra pepsin E3 or gastrex are good supplements for digestive system cleansing made by standard process not sure if they are available in UK (in US is typically given by practitioners with license but may find some online). Main ingredient is Okra, a vegetable with mucillageneous properties and other natural substances (allantoin, pepsin etc).
All the symptoms you describe are all connected - remove toxins by cleansing, give your body needed nutrients (minerals as in
Sea Salt , ionice trace minerals, fruits, vegetables, healthy meats and fats if your metabolism is suitable).
I would focus on improving your digestive system primarily.