Re: Is curezone a hidden "message center" for the promotion of the scientology religion?
Thank you for your comments, Jane. I have to say this for the third time now, but I agree with your specific comments. Every word you said makes an awful lot of sense to me.
Again, I have nothing but good things to say about curezone overall. Its goal is genuine, its effort is to offer caring advise to all of those that come here.
The only issue I have is with some of its posters, that's it. I don't feel that it's necessarily healthy to do such good in some areas, but than scare others half to death in reference to all of these various cover up,
Conspiracy debate areas, etc.
The Bush family seems to be an area of concern for some of the conspiracists here. Did you know that Barbara Bush's family member suffers with Crohn's Disease? Did you know that Jeb Bush and his wife continue to lobby against the makers of benz's(Spellig) after the ravishing effects that these drugs had on their daughter (Valium, I believe).
How about Clinton, he who is waging an active campaign against fast food, specifically addressing its dangers on national TV interviews after his heart attack.
Bush and Clinton both attended Yale, both of which are supposed to be members of the dubious "Skull and bones" society, are they not? The "Satanist" party that is hell bent on destroying America and the world, right? Isn't that the belief by some?
Well, it sounds to me like these families have gone through everything that everyone else has. Where's the plot to be found there?
But here is something interesting-Bush praises God but is quick to pull tax relief for middle and low income America. Clinton, who is not neccessarily as active in church participation as Bush, but is a man that truly cares for the unfortunate, had a fling with a young woman while President. In other words, both men have shown their good, both men have shown their bad side. Sounds like every human being that I've ever known, doesn't it?
Some struggle with greed and deceipt, others behave badly sexually, some lie, some cheat, etc, etc. That's all part of the human struggle. And the pharmaceutical company may well be part of that. Yet, on the same hand, they have made their efforts along the way to do some good, too, regardless of whether or not each and every medication is successful.
What about the nutritional companies? It's 5 billion dollar industry here in the US. The rest of America outside of curezone is not necessarily "Against you." 50-70% of adults take a multi vitamin, two thirds of which take additional supplements. Some companies are very reputable, some companies are not. Some make valid claims, some do not. Sounds a lot like the pharmaceutical company to me in certain areas, doesn't it? Just with a bit of a cheaper overall pricetag.
There are good ministers, there are corrupt ministers. There are good bankers, there are corrupt bankers. There are good doctors, there are corrupt doctors. There are good neighbors, there are corrupt neighbors. But at the end of the day, there is good and bad within us all.
Vanity-I'm sure there are many here and elsewhere racing to find cures for disease not as much for the purposes of vanity/self esteem than they are for actually solving the actual disease. Others do the same but it's more innocent. Some are convinced that just because something worked so well in their own case that it will do the same for everyone else. Well, it doesn't usually work that way.
My point, for the final time, is quite simple-everyone around here is trying to do some good. They certainly aren't here to hurt people, they're here to help themselves and others. And by all means, we should be thankful of the website and the various individuals that attest to this or that having helped them out along the way.
But there is such a thing as information overload, and we're finding that in monsterous proportions today all over the world. The president himself is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, as are three or four of my co-workers. Others have fallen into obsession along the lines of research, be it medical, chemical, etc.
It's at that point a Christian has a choice in the direction they want to go with things. Is this my life? Or is my life in the hands of God? If you accept the law that we must live for God, than you better be absolutely certain that what you are doing is serving Him, that your activities are consistent with His calling to your heart.
If it wasn't meant for you to take that type of journey, than perhaps some of us have to re-evaluate our position in life, and than determine whether or not we're helping ourselves and others, or we're hurting the situation. When the dialogue begins to involve "Mass government cover ups" and "
parasites dictating human behavior," you better be careful at that point, that's all I'm saying. Not only would the majority of the society label such theory as being out in left field, but look at what happens to the very life of the individual that believes in such theory. It becommes an obsession-at first its a suspicion about this or that tax cut, and the merits of it, and soon it becommes a belief that the government had a deal with Sad'aam to blow up our own buildings. Soon, aliens are living underneath the Denver airport, and than its the fact that chips are being implanted in the brains of all humans, and eventually different species of humans are believed to walk the earth by such that have fallen into that trap.
The mind has a fascinating way to become the body's own enemy, in other words. A five year old child may believe that he's Batman, but we find that cute. But fifty year olds might also come to believe they're Batman, and if they do, "Nobody will tell them otherwise." Everyone else is too "Stupid" to see the "Truth" of the world in which they live. Everyone else is a "Dummy," a "Commoner that doesn't see the bigger picture." But the sad reality is that there isn't anything else to the story. Life is what it has always been, but for the mind that is convinced he/she "Is right," it's a different world altogether, one that isn't going to lead anywhere.
Many of the individuals that fall trap to this are extremely intelligence, gifted. Go back and rent "The Beautiful Mind" once, and you'll be able to see what's it all about. The hold great gifts that can be used practically, those others couldn't dream of ever having. But in 99% of the cases, they take it too far, and suddenly, the mind is inventing areas of life that don't exist. It'll take you two and a half hours, and by the time you're done with it, some might just be a little surprised about the same stuff you find around here in certain capacities authored by a few different individuals.
2tuff believes that EVERY disease has been invented, moreless, and that the government is responsibe for putting chemicals out there that are designed to either cause harm to or kill off the general population. If that was the case, once again, why do they pay for $100,000 heart operations for 80 year olds? Do the math, folks. Look at the truth.
We have 10% more people living in the US than we did 4 years ago. That's along the lines of 30 million people or so. And the number keeps going up, thanks in large part to the fact that people can't contain themselves from having sex five times a week.
As the population grows, farmland disappears. So what does government do? They ok
Genetically-Modified-Organisms foods, which really are terrible for us. But they had no choice, either, did they. In case you haven't noticed, we're well on our way to a food supply problem here in the US. This is the 21st centurty, we're not back in the 1800's anymore.
In order to preserve the freshness of these foods to prevent disease, scientists are forced to come up with various
preservatives , those which hurt us, sure. But again, what's the alternative option? How else do you feed an ever growing society?
With more people comes more hospital visits, more births, etc. Than, to top it all off, we've got a large pool of fanatics out there researching everything and anything on this mass media tool known as the internet, which leads them to engage in monthly doctor office visits, some of which that involve threats to doctors to run this or that $2k test or they'll be sued.
All throughout, however, 90% of doctors, despite all of their stresses and their personal belief that the vast majority of disease is a result of stress/fear/worry (Once again, look at the Endocrine system, folks-do the math), they continue to approve most standard testing, that which is designed to screen for the vast majority of disease.
When I was conducting my own "Amateur medical research," there were points along the way that I "Had it all"-vitamin deficiencies/toxicities, infections, blood problems, etc. As a result, I was given an MRA, an EEG, a stress test, nearly every conceivable blood test possible that I wanted, etc, etc. Nothing. Nothing at all.
Than, one day I said a prayer with a family member, one that really lasted no more than a couple of minutes, asking for Him to come back into my life.
The next day I woke up and my life was back to normal. That, to date, was the biggest cure that I've ever experienced in my life, one that involved my own head, and the hand of God touching it, letting me know that things would be ok.
Soon thereafter, I found His love again, and became stronger in nature than at any point previously in my lifetime. The fear was relieved, and as a result, my health returned. Why? Because I was happy again. I was no longer paranoid, no longer in doubt of the intentions of others, and that is because if you walk with Him, everything else is irrelevant, whether or not it's true. If the scientologists have Xocor living next door to me in other words~, fine by me. He's powerless in the power of Christ's love, afterall.
The Bible warns specifically of these times, folks-those that mock Him, those that turn away from putting his/her undivided faith in Him, those that use His name for advancing their own personal powers/vanity. The intellectuals might always think they're too smart for Him, but it still serves true for me that no other Book has ever before been written with such accuracy about those concepts within EVERY corner of life. And the beautiful part about it is that its main message is love, and by finding His love, all the bad stuff goes away.
I'm done now with my lecture for good, promise. I specifically write this to you to prove that you can return to your old life again. I did, and you can too. And it was all at His hand. If you stay loyal to the First Commandment, therin lies the gift of life if you capture the power of love introduced thereafter.
One day this week, I would suggest that you take a day off from this world and go out and do a volunteer mission. Try holding a door open for a stranger and give him/her a smile while you're at it. If you like the feeling, and you will, keep doing it. Buy a gift for a needy child and go drop it off down at the salvation army, and than imagine the type of joy that'll bring the child two weeks from today.
Through Him, you will be able to say goodbye to your fear. Once you do that, all of these other illusions will leave, and your strength of heart, provided by Him, will free your soul of all of its worry.
Believe in His love, and He will take care of you. Find His heart, and you will find His peace, that which will free you from this world that you've ventured off into.
I will not be responding to any further exchanges. I've done all I can for those on the verge of falling into this trap (Speaking only in terms of the paranoia factor), that which is certain to bring you harm, all by your own hand. Nobody will ever change what I believe at a personal level, just understand that much.
I thank curezone and all of those willing to read through these lengthy posts for the oppurtunity.