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Re: Is curezone a hidden "message center" for the promotion of the scientology religion?
DangerousProduce Views: 3,924
Published: 20 y
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Re: Is curezone a hidden "message center" for the promotion of the scientology religion?

Try not to be so general when you make your points. While it makes for some interesting reading you can't convince many of the value of what you say.

Take your point #2 for example. What IS medical advice? What constitutes medical advice? You didn't really say. This is something people talk about all the time.
What kind of advice falls into the category of medical advice (for you)?

If I tell someone to go to the store and get an aspirin for a headache is that medical advice? If someone (Jack) who isn't a medical doctor tells someone else (John) he could use an aspirin does that mean John can't take an aspirin because Jack isn't a doctor?

What about if I learn that a neighbor of mine drinks 8 glasses of water a day and since I am one foot taller I want to experiment with the idea of drinking 10 glasses of water a day to see what would happen to me. Then after a few days of this someone else who is my same height wants to try the same thing I'm doing. Does this mean he is taking medical advice (because he's drinking 10 glasses a day)?

Or could that have been an experiment? Are you saying only certain elite people can do experiments on themselves? If so, why?

How often do you hear acquaintances categorize something as medical advice when it is something they don't want to hear. For example, "..his medical advice to me was to drive slower.." could be seen as medical advice if driving faster increased blood pressure. People like that usually tell you to keep your medical advice to yourself because they don't want to hear it, they're in a hurry to go somewhere. What if a policeman told you to slow down and wrote you a ticket. Is that medical advice? What is medical advice? Whose advice is the person with high blood pressure going to listen to before something happens, and why?

You tried something new, with some condition you had, and like the newly trained juggler who keeps several bowling pins in the air at once, you made some mistake and one of those bowling pins fell on your head. This hurt, so you blamed the whole procedure (instead of yourself). Perhaps one of the bowling pins you were twirling in the air consisted of things-that-you-should-also-have-been-doing-but-were-not just so you could see if you could get by, by doing only those things you already decided to do. Sounds to me like you were doing some small experiment. Disappointed by the results, hurt or frightened, you retreated to a prior mode (manner) of responding (to your problem) that you thought was safer. This is my guess as to what happened after you saw the result. This is also a very common psychological reaction. You are not the first to have left out something(s) important, knowlingly or unknowingly.

You can regroup. Those ACE inhibitors aren't doing anything positive for your health in the sense of improvement. You will see you will be worse off a few years from now than you are today. Talking in generalities about your problem(s)or disputes won't get you anything.

Read the different cleanse/flush forums from the beginning (..particularly the health debates). Since I've started that I've learned a lot. You'll find a lot of people like yourself in forums like the debate one on Dr. Hulda Clark (Ph.d., N.D.) or Quackery or Cure. All the questions you would probably want to ask and more on what constitutes qualified advice on gallstones, have been asked and answered in the Liver Flush debates. You aren't the only one who was disappointed with some result and then questioned everything.

Here's an analogy. Think of life as a casino (a lot of people do). However most people who come to the table are not playing with a full deck of cards. Their knowledge is incomplete as to what a full deck of cards consists of and so they continually question why the result isn't what they thought it would be. Some of these questioners simply give up and only make fun of those doing something DIFFERENT from them. This last act makes them feel safe because they no longer know what to do. They don't fully understand due to their incomplete knowledge where to look for more helpful opinions or facts or can't remember them if they read them.


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