Happygrrl, even without fasting I'm a heavy liquids drinker, keeping a one gallon thermos of iced tea that I finish and partially refill every day. That's in addition to hot green tea and yerba mate that I drink throughout the day. I'm forcing more than that down now and am really surprised that I could be backed up for lack of liquids.
Yesterday I stopped the fibre and steeped the tea for 5 minutes (was doing 2-3 before) and "eveything came out ok" this morning. So it's back to the fibre today and I'll stick with 5 minutes or maybe longer on the steep time, even though the directions say between 2-5. Even though I haven't seen anything interesting in the throne yet, I really enjoy that my cravings for food and especially sweets has been so much lessened. That makes the lower mucous producing diet easier to manage and I somehow feel cleaner just for that.
So even if I never see tires, aliens or sea monkeys, I can tell this will be worthwhile when all's said and done.