Re: Unyquity and All Others Who Can Help
I know the hassle of the 'nearest health food...over 30 miles away'. We live in "the sticks" of rural Iowa, and if it weren't for the fact that the college/learning center called the 'Maharishi University of Management' is located in a small town about 30 miles from the tiny town we live outside of, we'd have to drive almost two hours to purchase organic groceries or quality supplies.
--Just fyi, the Maharishi University of Management is: "a 272-acre campus located in
Fairfield, Iowa, in the central USA. Our friendly campus community has students from more than 60 countries — comprising many cultures and religions — living and learning together as a world family." Needless to say, it's VERY strange to have such a place here in the rural/bible-belt/farm/conservative part of Iowa...all of the local Iowan's refer to the college and the folks that go there as "whackos", lol. BUT, they utilize primarily natural and/or Aryurvedic medicine, so the local grocery store is truly phenomenal. --
I checked out your 'superfood' and it looks as good as any other I've seen or heard deal. But I don't understand why you've taken a hiatus from the most valuable/complete supplements in your arsenal...I feel we should take our 'superfood' first, primarily and consistently. Giving our bodies adequate "ammunition & energy" along with making sure that he digestive tract is working smoothly and eliminating properly (along with the liver & kidneys), will solve over 90% of ALL health issues (according to
Dr. Schulze ). Our body is designed to heal itself of everything...if we stop feeding it poison, make sure all organs have strong "flow", supply it with all the ammunition and nutrition it needs, the rest will fall into place all by itself.
Of course, we use individual supplements & tonics to treat the symptoms of various
problems, (with more success & less toxicity than their pharmaceutical counterparts), but generally those various supplements don't actually provide a healing cure...they just treat the symptom. In some cases (especially pain) this is a good and truly necessary thing...but when one starts taking supplements simply to mask particular symptom, we'refollowing the same concept as allopathic/orthodox medicine. The symptom is a serious warning/red light, and just like in ANY engine, the red light shouldn't have a piece of tape/band-aid put over it so it can't be seen or felt...the root cause should be examined, treated and fixed. Because ultimately, with a proper diet, functioning organs & a truly healthy lifestyle, our bodies don't
need (or want) "symptom relievers". That being said, I will always take Superfood and Fish Oil daily...because I cannot get the level of nutrition and fatty oils from my diet, that my body requires to function normally.
So, how have others cured themselves of "incurable" illnesses & dis-eases? Well, since I've never been "incurable" myself, I have to read & research the testimonies of those that have realized a cure, or read & research the information given to us from various healers that have cured people naturally. My healer of choice is
Dr. Schulze ...because he successfully and totally cured TENS of thousands of people from all kinds of incurable diseases after orthodox medicine had totally given up on them. AND because, his methods are extremely logical, totally understandable, time-tested, and have been used by hundreds of healers and thousands of people successfully (since the time when his clinics were shut down, raided & he was imprisoned). Bottom line? Our bodies ARE able to heal themselves (that's the way God designed them)...all we have to do is STOP putting in stuff that harms & weakens, and START putting in stuff that heals & strengthens.
So here's my suggestions/thoughts:
--First, eliminate ALL toxins that you can possibly eliminate - so that your body can fight & heal the problem, instead of using it's energy and resources to fight/neutralize the toxins that you put into it. The obvious? chlorine & fluoride in water; chemically processed and/or non-organic food; 'normal'
table salt . The non-obvious? I've found this list to be incredibly enlightening; I've found Miracle II products to be my answer for most all household toxins.
There are two basic thin importantreally significant about these products. First, the soap does NOT contain fat or lard! When we bathe ourselves with any kind of lard/animal fat based soap, we clog up our pores with fat (and toxins)...the skin NEEDS to breathe, so it can function as a way for toxins & acids to be eliminated from our bodies. Second, the Neutralizer Gel is an emergency room in a bottle; the Neutralizer Fluid (and gel) not only increase & 'lube' the electric energy flow within our body (especially important for nerve-type healing!), because it makes 'water wetter' to helps to hydrate our bodies , but also because it
has a very strong alkalizing effect. Many people have been cured of cancer by simply
bathing in the soap and taking a tablespoon of the fluid daily. Is it expensive? Not when you consider that the soap,neutralizer gel & fluid and moisturizing will replace: bar/bath soap, liquid soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, dishwashing detergents, laundry soap, laundry 'spot cleaners',fabric softener, 'scrubbing bubbles' (or whatever one uses as a basic household cleaners), hand lotion, face lotion, skin moisturizers of all kinds, it kills bugs (fleas too) immeditately on contact, AND Miracle II products can help neutralize chemicals and radiation in our environment. Miracle II products will/help neutralize anthrax, small pox, even
cobra venom, one of the deadliest toxins known to mankind. AND if everybody in the house uses it for bathing/showering, you'll NEVER have to clean your bathtub again.
--Second, start giving your body the ammunition it needs to fight! No matter how big, how organized, how well-stocked, how perfectly working the equipment, the leader can be God himself...but no army can win any fight without ammunition!! Our organs can be flushed & clean & in tip-top shape, our will can be strong, the battle plan can be perfect...but without ammunition, there can be no victory. If it looks/feels like we're losing? MORE ammunition to the warriors! And the neat thing is, the 'ammunition' will cause the warriors to multiply and become stronger, too :)
How? Double/triple doses of SuperFood; the recommended amount of distilled/purified
water for your weight AND enough freshly squeezed/juiced juice to make that amount of fluid be a gallon. (So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you would be drinking 75
ounces of water in this case, you'd consume at least 53
ounces of fresh fruit/vegetable juice to equal the 128
ounces in a gallon). Diet: as raw as possible; hopefully 75% or better. Our bodies need the enzymes from raw food; the juice gives the body loads of ammunition & enzymes WITHOUT having to process, detoxify, digest and eliminate...allowing ALL the healing power to go toward healing!
Third...believe! How much faith does it take to move a mountain? Only one mustard seed's worth! Give those warriors every bit of help you can give in the world are they supposed to fight & get organized for battle if their captain doesn't believe the battle can be won? Let them know you're sending them to battle, and you're going to give them every bit of ammunition they need. (I talk to my cells & organs, lol. I can stop my heart from rapid beating by telling it to slow down; I can stop a nightmare by telling it to stop in my sleep; many people can control their heartrate, bloodpressure, and many other functions that are considered 'autonomic', simply by believing they can and applying that belief.)
When someone 'incurable' walked through the doors of his clinic,
Dr. Schulze gave them Superfood, the bowel cleanse, and the juicing/fluid protocol above....along with a completely raw, vegan diet. He swears that NINETY PERCENT of the patients that walked through his doors were either totally healed, or well on their way to healing and basically symptom-free with just those things. When symptoms were really bad, he added BOTH the liver cleanse/flush and the kidney flush immediately. (Yep, all three cleanses at one time). And the majority of those patients had already been told there was absolutely no hope that they would live!
Hopinso, I searched and re-searched your individual symptoms & situation all over the place, but all that happened was dead-end, after dead-end, after dead-end. And I KNOW that's just not right. So I went back to my Schulze books, and my spirit kept telling me to say the basics and the that's what I'm posting. And that's reality, it doesn't matter WHAT the symptom is, what matters is the cure. Without the basics, there's no combination of anything that will work, and almost always, the basics are all we need.
Let me know how you that sits with your own 'doctor within'...'sorry it took so long to get this posted (but I was busy researching and NOT listening to MY doctor within :)