Colonics Problems new pls help (Ptree)
Hello All,
Been reading all posts for the past cople of months brilliant site, but one can really get lost. I think I am ready to do the Ultimate cleanse and the bowel cleanse.
I am constantly tired, I can sleep all day if I am allowed. My doctor put me on iron supplements which made me even more constipated, I swicthed to Molasses as they were better. I am now very tired and very constipated but still go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
I went for a
colonic last week, and even though I had not been to the loo for a couple of days nothing came out, but gas. I am still so bloated and congested, I actually look pregenant and my clothes don't fit. Yet I still go to the gym and I eat well and have more than the recommended 5 portions of fruit and veg daily, however sometimes I can't go to the gym cause my somach feel so heavy. I am on psyllium fibre and gastro-eze, I don't really feel a difference, I now take a herbal laxative tea every couple of days just to move things along.
So couple of questions please if you all don't mind.
1) I have read about the P&B shakes, but in view of the fact that I am constipated, should I do the ultimate cleanse first? I have tried to find the ultimate cleanse page but it just give me a 404 error, has the page been moved?
2)After doing the P&B shakes, should I still do a
colonic at the end or will the P&B take care of everything.
3) I cant seem to find information on paraasite cleansers as in what to take to kill the parasite. I have found post about the
parasite but need information on what to buy and when to take it. With the ultimate cleanse or with the P&B shakes.
Thx for yur help.