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Published: 19 y
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I have been doing heavy duty colon cleansing for the past three years (and still not done!!), and have seen some pretty strange items in my colonic tube/toilet.

COULD be... rocks! I have seen lots of what you describe, and have actually dissected a few with my trusty blue plastic fork... my naturopath says these hard round bits are antique waste that has been stuck (velcroed? stapled?) to my colon for... who knows?! Our bodies form mucous in response to various conditions. If we do not pass the mucous out, it hardens and adheres itself to our colons, sandwiching all manner of weird things--I have seen long deceased parasites that looked very alien indeed! various forms of old mucous--many many old dead putrified things I had carried around for years. As we slough off the layers, some pretty interesting things exit! The rocks can be composed of mucous, gall (with or without calcified matter inside)...

They are, in short, TRASH! They are what we are working to remove, and should NEVER be carting around for months and years on end! They are why we are cleansing.

Keep at it! It's all good--it's all worthwhile! YES, it's work, but we can do it!

Best to you,


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