anyone know what this is?
I've been doing Jim Foley's bowel cleanse, and The Weirdest Things just came out in my poop. Wish I had a camera at this point, but I don't...
About 5 or 10 light brown oval squishy things came out. They had the consistency of a sponge, and inside they were alittle crunchy and darker, (just a little darker). The consistency was also perhaps of waterlogged bread.
They didn't look like any
parasites I've ever seen before. But, each one was identical in shape - inbetween oval and round. They looked like something you'd buy to put on a bunyon on a toe, by Dr. Sholls.
Anyone seen this before? If these were
parasites than I'm truly going to be grossed out (I have had liver flukes come out in the liver flushes, and worms in the colonics, and now These Weird Things?)