Re: What is the best cleanser to use?
Thank you for this is extremely useful to me! I really do want to try the blessed herbs because I have read so many good things about it. Do you think it is absolutely necessary to do the colosan b4? If so, how long do you think? I have been getting
colonics but the therapist recomended that I do blessed herbs because that way I can get the whole digestive tract. I want to get rid of this muqoid plaque!! My diet has been excellent except for the slip up once a week but I am trying very hard to change this habit!!! We should definately keep each other updated!! Have you done any liver flushes? I have done four of them but haven't noticed help with
Depression but have noticed other health benefits such as clearer skin. If you go to documenting health benefits for
Liver Flushing many people seem to heal their depression!! So hopefully, if I continue to cleanse, have an excellent diet, exercise, express myself this nightmare will end. I am actually hoping that as I get rid of muqoid plaque I will heal many old emotional scars that i believe have held me back for many years. Sorry this was sooooooo long. I do believe blessed herbs will be my choice although I am still wary about using the
Bentonite clay and still wonder if the mucoid plaque is just this clay coming out. Oh well, many people seem to have good resutls...I guess it is worth a try then.