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p&b shakes worked for me!
MiamiDawn Views: 2,047
Published: 20 y
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p&b shakes worked for me!

i'm by no means an expert here, but this is one of my favorite places on the web. i have just started the b&p shakes, because it's obvious that there is a definate system to follow in cleaning out your body. starting with your colon. i started five days ago, when my clay arrived from ($5.00/lb). i'm starting slow (1 tsp. clay/1 tsp. pysllium husk/ 1 tsp. ground flax seed) i use an old one pint pickle jar. i fill 1/3 with juice, and let the clay soak, then fill it up the rest of the way w/ h20 and last the fiber (drink quickly or you'll need a spoon (yuk). i am of course assuming that you haven't tried this. this weekend i'll keep the recipe the same, but double the dose (am & pm) and work my way up to 4 tsp./day. i have had terrible bloating for as long as i can remember, gas when i'm nervous or stressed out (which seems like always), but i'm pretty sure the worst thing is carbs. bread esp. i blow up like a ballon! it has to be a yeast thing, anyway. i have a sluggish system, and it was the following night after the 1st shake that i felt like i was in labor. it was bad, but didn't last long. i have had no bad side effects since. i didn't expect my body to react the way it did, but after i drink it, it acts like alka seltzer, but the gas being released from both ends ;) it's the first time in forever that i don't feel distended and tender, and puffed up. i still don't feel great yet (have a way long way to go), but it was an improvement i didn't expect right away.

i don't know why i went on so. there are a million posts already about the p&b shakes, but i guess one more couldn't hurt.


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