Re: Constipated with B&P shakes
Hi Lovey,
I am starting to take flax oil caps everyday, as well as mix some ground flax seeds in my juice. I actually like the nutty taste. The only reason that I havn't been taking any supliments is because I was under the impression that you don't take ANY suppliments during a fast. I want to give mystomach and kidney a rest for a while, also, they get flushed out of the body anyway. Correct me if I'm wrong! I don't like drinking
Bentonite either, but since it draws out toxinsin your body, I guess I will stick with it for a little longer. ( I'm hoping that I will see some mucoid plaque in my BM soon.)
My BM has improved a lot since blending my B&P shake with prune juice and taking my flax oil. My tummy is noticably flatter, and I have lost a total 5,7 KG during my 10day fast.
This is truly an awsome experience, discovering this web site, and having some much support during my fast - I have learned so much just reading all the posts, and will never go back to my "toxic" lifestyle again.
BTW, for dry skin, I use St. John's Wort oil after shower/bath, everynight. I'm not crazy about the way it smells, but it has really made a big difference in my skin, reducing mozzi scars and some stretch marks. I was also taking Borage(star-flower) oil until my starting the juice fast recently.
Thanks for your input.