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Re: Question for Colonix Users
klh Views: 5,127
Published: 21 y
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Re: Question for Colonix Users

Hey seen your problem of taking the stuff and nothing coming out. I found that if I ate just salad, however you like it, and watermelon, it really helped get a good push. The salad for obvious reasons but I read that Watermelon is really good to detox the kidney in Hanna Kroeger's book. So it's cheap enough, I was feeling really yucky and bloated and getting headaches with the detox and when I went you would see all the Watermelon and salad along with other debris. It seemed like it really helped clear it out.

I'm not much of a tea drinker so I make it let it sit with some ice cubes in it to cool it down quick, slam it and go right to bed so this way I don't deal with any more headaches. They say the tea is to help get things moving in the morning, but it also has a lot of detox stuff too so you may be getting that giving you headaches.

Hope this helps, I'm almost done with this month of Colonix and I'm going to try the P & B next month to see. I also did a liver cleanse on the 20th day because I got really bad flu/detox and my lymphs were very swollen and I had major canker sores in the back of my throat. The liver cleanse shrunk the lymph down to almost nothing and helped get my blood cleaning better. I did this after I knew things were moving well. Otherwise you might get worse detox results if you do a liver cleanse right now. Needless to say I feel pretty good and can't imagine getting better but I'm told it does. GREAT!!! looking forward to it.

Good Luck!


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