Re: absolutley no bowel movement
Hi Katie,
I'm so sorry you are feeling ill, and I'm going to let you know what has helped me. I started doing
colonics about a few months ago, and they are really helping. I have IBS as well as fibromyalgia and MCS- so it was very difficult to find a product that wasn't too harsh on my bowels, or caused me too much pain. With a colonic, the water swishes in and out of your bowel, and really gets in where an enema can't. I've had about 4 treatments so far, and each time, my stomach gets a little flatter, and I feel so good afterwards. When you're severely constipated, the poisins get so backed up in your system that it can cause all sorts of maladies. For me, the depression, brain fog, and severe colon and back pain were the worst. Now, the fog is lifting, the
Depression is much improved and the pain is better.
It may take a while before the intestines are working properly, and you may take probiotics, enzymes and a fiber supplement like psyllium/bentonite to help your movements. That's what I'm doing right now.
Don't despair! You will find the right things to do, and it will take patience, trial and error- but don't ever give up!!! You are worth it!!!
Wishing you health and hapiness, Terry.