Re: Hydrogen peroxide
Hi Tim,
Yeah - it slightly discoloured the skin on my legs (had slightly white patches) but not for long. That was at a 3% concentration. I also spilt some 35% on the floor and trod in it without realising. Parts of the soles of my feet turned very white but I was surprised when it turned back to normal skin colour after a couple of hours - I envisioned that skin being dead and thought it would drop off. I'm currently spraying small amounts of
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) at 3%, in fact it's only about 1.5% now as I wanted to dilute it a bit more for my throat. I'm also up to 2 drops of 35% in water morning and evening. As for being able to handle these levels of
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) - well I totally overdid it yesterday and had a headache and was dizzy and a little shaky during the evening. Was ok by the time I went to bed. Did the oil/grapefruit drink and was totally wiped out when I had to get up this morning but am not really surprised!
A couple of weeks ago when I started the
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) treatment, two drops 35% in water made me feel totally horrible - gave me
Depression for a day amongst other nasty detox symptoms. I've grown to tolerate it quite quickly - the
Liver Cleanses are probably helping with that. Still currently have my chemical intolerences and is hard to tell what's happening with the food ones because I think my guts are upset by the H2O2 anyway.
I've had no more strange noises in my ear and unfortunately I still get earache when I lie on it for longer than a couple of minutes. I was hoping that would have been sorted by whatever happened last week. I'll spray in my ear and see whether that improves anything.
With regards to the apple cider vinegar - I've read in so many places that it's good for you. However, I haven't been able to tolerate it for years. Do you think that's purely because it gives such strong die off symptoms that I thought it was just a normal intolerance? In which case it would probably be good to persevere with it...?