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Ozone Therapy by Saul Pressman
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Ozone Therapy by Saul Pressman

Ozone therapy has been employed for over 100 years, and is now used in 17 countries. It is the most powerful cleansing modality. It is the treatment of choice for a wide variety of diseases, and has proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.

Dosage and Frequency

When it comes to dosage and frequency of administration, there is a wide difference of opinion amongst doctors:

Dr. Carpendale believed that a medium concentration is necessary to kick-start the immune system initially, followed by lower concentrations. He believes that continued high concentrations may be immuno-suppressive, based on T-4 cell counts.

Dr. Turska recommended low concentrations, initially three times per week, then twice per week, then weekly injections for as long as necessary.

Dr. Stanley Beyrle recommends injection every four days at medium concentration.

Dr. Wang gives daily injections at medium concentration and direct injection into breast tumors.

Dr. Freibott recommends very high concentrations at low dosages, with the emphasis on saturating the blood, using rectal insufflation.

Dr. Sartori reports good success with AIDS with high concentrations and very high dosages, every hour for 12 hours per day, for 21 days.

Dr. Rilling’s classic "The Use of Ozone in Medicine" gives many recommendations on dosage and concentration.

The important thing to remember is that all physicians report good results, regardless of concentration or volume used. Ozone is not a drug, and should not be treated as such.

There is no evidence that long term treatment on a daily basis has any detrimental effect. Doctors who have used it for decades have only positive results to report. There is no evidence of free radical damage; in fact, ozone is the best free radical scavenger there is. Ozone also stimulates production of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, which are the enzymes in the cell wall which protect the cell from free radical damage, so ozone actually prevents free radical damage.

Dr. Horst Kief of Germany recommends taking Vitamin A and E supplements when taking ozone treatments. It is known that Vitamin C is antagonistic to ozone, although it has been shown not to break down Vitamin C in the body. Persons taking megadoses should take the ozone treatment first, wait 30 minutes, then take the Vitamin C.

If direct injection is the method of application chosen, the rate of injection should be very slow, about 5 cc per minute. (There is no risk of embolism, as only nitrogen forms a dangerous gas bubble). If coughing due to reverse respiration results from too much ozone being injected too quickly, the reaction can be halted by drinking two glasses of orange juice. The ozone outgassing in the lungs will stop quickly, the patient will be more comfortable and retain a positive attitude towards the therapy.

Methods of Application

Since ozone therapy was first practiced in the 1880s, many methods of administering ozone have been developed. There are 22 methods of administration that have been developed.

In the clinic In the home or clinic
1. autohemotherapy 12. in the ear
2. intravenous injection 13. drinking water
3. intra-arterial injection 14. steam sauna cabinet
4. direct injection into a tumor 15. vaginal insufflation
5. intracutaneous (blistering) 16. rectal insufflation
6. subcutaneous 17. ozonated water enema
7. intramuscular 18. breathing through olive oil
8. uterine insufflation 19. massage with ozonated olive oil
9. bladder insufflation 20. cupping with a funnel
10. subatmospheric bagging 21. body suit
11. dental use of ozonated water 22. external limb bagging

These methods can be grouped into five categories:

1) Injection - autohemotherapy; or direct injection into a vein, artery, muscle, or joint; or directly into a tumor
2) Insufflation - in the ear; vagina; rectum; urethra
3) Inhalation - bubbled through olive oil
4) Ingestion - ozonated water
5) Transdermal - subatmospheric; bagging; body suit; ozonated olive oil; cupping with a funnel; steam sauna

1) Injection involves the use of needles, which are the province of doctors, and few people do self-injection.

2) Insufflation is very useful, easily done, inexpensive, and is now widely used in the home.

Insufflation in the ear is excellent for ear infections, mastoiditis; hearing problems caused by candida; tinnitus; and beyond the ear to sinusitis; macular degeneration; retinitis pigmentosa; head colds; flu; bronchitis, asthma, Alzheimer’s; Parkinson’s; even brain cancer.

Vaginal insufflation is used for any vaginal, uterine, ovarian or lower abdominal problem, including pelvic inflammatory diseases, fibroids, etc. The ozone will enter the lymph system from vaginal insufflation, as well as the blood stream.

Rectal insufflation requires an enema previously. It is used for colon problems such as colitis, ileitis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s, diverticulitis and even colon cancer.

Urethral insufflation is used for bladder infections, inflammation of the ureter, and bladder and prostate cancer.

3) Inhalation :

Ozone can be inhaled if it is first bubbled through extra virgin olive oil. This is useful for asthma due to bacterial infection. Repeated treatments over 3 - 6 weeks for 15 - 20 minutes at a time are usually sufficient. Simultaneous magnet therapy is useful and can be easily done by placing a magnet (3" x 5"; 3500 gauss) on the chest with the north pole facing the body.

4) Ingestion

Six to eight glasses a day will establish a high level of oxygenation in the body and assist detoxification. Bubble ozone into a glass of water for 5 -
10 minutes, then drink on an empty stomach. This will also destroy helicobacter pylori in the stomach which causes ulcers.

5) Transdermal

Transdermal application of ozone has existed for many years, and recently has been growing in popularity. The skin is semi-porous to oxygen, and 7% of respiration is transdermal. There are several transdermal ozone application techniques:

A) Subatmospheric

B) Bagging a limb

C) Body suit

D) Ozonated olive oil

E) Cupping with a funnel

F) Steam cabinet

A) Subatmospheric application requires an apparatus to enclose a limb, reduce pressure by means of a vacuum pump and direct ozone into proximity with the desired area. This technique has proven useful in certain difficult problems, such as gas gangrene and open ulcers. It is not widely used at present because of the expense of the equipment and its lack of availability.

B) Bagging a limb is very similar, but requires only a clear plastic bag in order to confine the ozone to the area being treated. The limb is moistened first, in order to aid the penetration of ozone through the skin, then enclosed in the plastic bag and the ozone is introduced by means of silicone tubing from the generator into the bag. The top of the bag is securely closed with either a cloth strip or an elastic strap as a cuff. If the flow rate is to be above
1/8 l/m, then an outlet from the bottom of the bag will be necessary to allow the excess ozone to leave, and avoid pressurization. If the flow rate is kept very low, say 1/16 l/m or 1/32 l/m, there is no need to have an outlet, as the bag will not overfill in a 30 minute treatment. This technique has been in use for many years, and is especially useful with impaired circulation in diabetic legs, removing the threat of amputation.

C) A body suit is composed of ozone-resistant material, typically Tyvek or nylon, which is sealed at the wrists, neck and ankles (if there are no attached booties). It is necessary to shower first and then enter the suit while still wet, to aid ozone transference. The silicon tubing from the generator is introduced into the suit either through the neck opening or up the sleeve. Ozone is introduced for 30 minutes at a rate of 1/16 or 1/8 l/m. Because of the large volume, no outlet for excess gas is required. This method is unpopular due to the clammy feel of the suits as the wet skin surface cools.

D) Ozonated olive oil has been used as a topical application for nearly 100 years and its efficacy is well established in problems such as acne, cuts, scrapes, bruises, burns, eczema, sunburn, skin infections, etc. It is also useful to apply it to the skin following a session of bagging a limb.

E) Cupping with a funnel is a more recent transdermal technique where ozone is introduced into a very restricted area at a very low flow rate. First the area to be treated (typically the liver, pancreas, spleen, intestine, kidney or adrenal) is wet with a warm washcloth, and then the plastic funnel is held firmly over the area. The flow rate is restricted to 1/32 l/m in order to prevent pressure buildup under the cup, and possible leakage. Treatments typically run for 20 minutes. Excellent results are obtainable with this technique if it is applied daily for 3 weeks to 3 months, especially with hepatitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, kidney infections and adrenal insufficiency.

F) The sixth transdermal technique has been recently developed to take advantage of the therapeutic possibilities of using hyperthermia in conjunction with ozone therapy. The patient sits in an ozone-resistant steam cabinet, with the head out, and the body is surrounded by warm steam. The steam causes the pores to open fully and the ozone, introduced into the cabinet by silicon tubing from the generator output, can penetrate fully into all the tissue ­ the blood, the lymph and the fat. Since the majority of toxins are held in the lymph and the fat, this treatment is the most effective way to eliminate them from the body. Since the skin is the largest organ of elimination, the majority of the toxins are sweated out, sparing the liver and kidneys extra work.

Hyperthermia itself is a very effective technique, many thousands of years old. It results in a "false fever" reaction, which simulates the body’s own defense mechanism. With the addition of ozone, the treatment becomes doubly powerful. As the toxins are oxidized, and eliminated from the body, the fat containing them is no longer needed, and also leaves. Weight loss of 30, 50 and even 80 lbs over a period of months are reported. The skin becomes smooth, soft and free of blemishes. Symptoms of a whole host of diseases disappear as the toxins leave the system.

Unlike other methods of ozone application, employing ozone in a steam sauna will induce the "healing crisis", which feels like having the flu for a few days. Patients should be informed of this effect so they can be prepared, and welcome it as a sign of beneficial healing. Skin rashes are common as the toxins are pushed out through the skin rapidly. Often the rash is very itchy, and this can be alleviated by using Colloidal Silver water and taking protease enzymes in large amounts.

The more frequent the treatments, the more rapid the healing, and the more severe the healing reactions will be. It may become so uncomfortable that the patient will need to reduce the frequency of treatments from once daily to once weekly.

Typical treatments are for once daily for 30 minutes duration. Patients with heart conditions or stroke should be limited to 15 minutes for the first few sessions, increasing to 20, 25 and then 30 minutes, as the body adjusts to the thermal stress.

Flow rate of ozone into the cabinet is at 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 l/m in order to fill the large volume and overcome the loss of ozone to heat. Concentration ranges from 40 to 20 ug/cc. A series of treatments usually consists of 10-20 applications. If necessary (especially in cancer), a second or third series of treatments can be undertaken. It is critical that the bowels be open during these treatments, in order that oxidized toxins are completely eliminated from the system and not reabsorbed. The best methods of insuring this is by ingestion of 8 - 12 glasses of ozonated water daily (always on an empty stomach), large amounts of fiber (such as psyllium or pectin) and large amounts of Vitamin C ( 3,000 mg four times daily).

The effect of the ozone on any particular organ can be intensified by cupping with a funnel while in the steam cabinet. This is especially effective with hepatitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis and cancer. It also involves the person in actively taking responsibility for initiating the healing process. Flow rate for cupping is 1/8 l/m.

Transdermal application of ozone combined with hyperthermia in the steam cabinet is the treatment of choice for all cancers (except brain cancer, which can be treated with ozone insufflation in the ear at 1/32 l/m). Cancer cells are tightly packed as they try to force their way in between other cells, and they are thus less able to shed heat. This accounts for effect that heat stress has in killing cancer. Both heat stress and ozone kill cancer, so this treatment offers the best opportunity to eliminate cells which are fermenting Sugar anerobically, halt metastasis and restore healthy aerobic function. Because of its negative charge, and the positive charge of cancer cells (due to the lack an enzyme coating) ozone is able to seek out and destroy all the cancer cells with more certainty than the surgeon’s crude scalpel. In addition, ozone will oxidize the toxins which caused the original problem, and thus prevent recurrence of the problem. This is in contrast to chemotherapy which is massively immune-suppressive, and radiation which itself causes cancer.

Using ozone in this way will cleanse all the tissues of the body and provoke the healing crisis, which is not seen with other delivery methods, proof that this is the best way to achieve thorough cleansing.

In combination with a comprehensive diet plan, parasite, liver and colon cleanses, and suitable exercise, this program offers the best chance for the patient to recover optimum health.

Ozone for Prevention

The cells function by burning Sugar in oxygen to provide energy. The waste products are carbon dioxide and water. If there is insufficient oxygen at the cellular level, the burn will be incomplete, and carbon monoxide and lactic acid will be formed. The body cannot easily rid itself of monoxide; it prevents hemoglobin from picking up fresh oxygen, and the body temperature is lowered. The lactic acid will build up in the system, clogging nerve signal pathways, eventually solidifying and causing degeneration.

More oxygen is required to come in and oxidize these toxins, but if it is not available, they build up. The blood will carry a heavy load of sludge, and toxins will be deposited in the fat and the lymph. The water that composes the body gets dirtier and dirtier. Free radicals proliferate as toxins interfere with the normal neutralizing enzyme mechanisms for cleaning them up. Disease is the result.

The hundreds of different diseases named by allopathy (whether viral, bacterial, communicable, autoimmune or degenerative) are but symptoms of one underlying cause. That cause is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level, leading to internal toxicity.

Ozone is such a powerful therapeutic tool because it deals with the underlying cause through both oxygenation and oxidation. Ozone taken on a regular basis in the home will, over time, safely clean all the fluid of the body, and furnish an oxygen-rich environment for all the cells in the body, providing high levels of immunity from most common diseases.

- Saul Pressman


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