Later the next morning...
Well the stirrings kept coming, and more and more, and more and more stones kept coming out. I kept taking their picture, and cleaning them up and taking another picture. I took the second dose of
Epsom Salt drink and was disappointed I didn’t have to go right away…so I watched some TV…after the night before, I never thought it would be an hour to an hour and a half before I had some action.
But then I did, and more and more stuff kept coming out. It is 5 hours past the last
Epsom Salt drink and I just had another movement with more stones. When does it stop? I have been drinking some water and some fruit juice, but haven’t eaten yet.
When I broke some of the larger stones they either seemed to be solid green or had small white pockets in the green. I thought they were supposed to be green outside but white inside…oh well…
Thanks for letting me share…it has been a great ride…speaking of rides, is my ride on the toilet ending soon?
Keith S. :{)>