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First flush need answers please
Serenitii7 Views: 1,674
Published: 22 y

First flush need answers please

Hi, I've been reading the posts on this page and they are so informative. I've got a link to share that has great photos of the different types of stones and their compostion, its . I posted this in the bottom of the message options so hopefully it will pull up the image.

I did my first Liver Flush yesterday and boy did I feel awful. I decided to do it during the day instead of night since I've been sick for so long and half the time I'm up at odd hours anyway. I'd been cleansing for the past couple of weeks including using a zapper, getting good results. But since I have bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma right now, I decided to go ahead and do a liver cleanse. I have Dr. Clark's book and reading some of her case studies learned this alone can help tremendously although she doesn't say to do it alone.

Anyway after reading different flushes I decided to go with 6 oz of olive oil, 3 ounces of fresh lemon juice and coke to settle my stomach after drinking all the oil, yuk!

I waited about 3 hours or so then I mixed 1 tsp of Epsom Salt and 1 tsp of Sea Salt and drank it. During this whole time I felt very nauseated and light headed. After a couple of hours, I found myself running to the bathroom. Mainly I passed small lentil sized green stones last night but only about 30 - 50 of them, I got tired of searching through everything for them.

I noticed doing a regular cleanse before the liver cleanse and doing the parasite cleanse the odor is overwhelming. The odor was lessor last night than the other cleanses but none the less disguisting.

Woke up this morning started drinking a lot of liquid and nature called once more. Also this morning I felt a little light headed but my vision is very blurred and my stomach feels like things are really stirring although I don't feel sick. Anyway this time when I went to the bathroom it was totally different than last night. It seemed very dry. I know I had plenty of water cause I've been very careful to make sure of it. But as I checked it, it seems as if almost everything I passed today must have been hundreds or more of what everyone is saying is cholesterol stones. They were softer than the little green things, although very distinct and unlike the little brownish colored rock looking things I also passed last night or the black rock looking things from last night too. The black things were anywhere in size from a grain of pepper to something of a little larger size.

What I'm needing to know is what to do about this terrible blurred vision. I feel its because of all of this stuff releasing and trying to get out of my system. I'm also very shakey feeling today.

I know my methods go against what everyone says the order and time should be but I have been to the hospital just a month ago and to the doctors office this past Monday cause I simply could not breath and I'd get out of breath just walking room to room. I started out with allergies when I moved here a year ago and everything just progressed. Allergies are much easier to deal with but the not being able to breath doesn't cut it. I have noticed I was having a productive cough all last evening and it feels like its finally working out of me after being sick now for over six months.

Any help or suggestions would be great!

Thanks all,
great pics and info for various types of stones.


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