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Re: chest pain and rapid heart beat
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Re: chest pain and rapid heart beat

Hi. I have very similar symptoms and the thing that helps me is magnesium and potassium. I find that the liquid magnesium citrate that you can
get at any pharmacy for about $1.50 helps me the best for immediate relief. Do not take this reguraly though and only take enough
to get rid of your immediate symptoms. If you take too much it will cause diarrhea which will make your problems worse. Something
that i have learned recently is that calcium and potassium cannot be absorbed without magnesium and if you take calcium with
a severe mag deficiency it will actually make your mag deficiency worse. I only take magnsium and potassium now and will i
only incorporate calcium back when these defiencies are corrected. I get my potassium online from canada (k-dur 1500mg), you
don't need a prescription for it there. Also, I just started taking Mag-Tab SR. It is sustained realease so it doesn't cause diarrhea.
Mag-tab doesn't require a prescription but most pharmacies will have to order it for you. It will take several weeks for your symptoms
to subside with this so you may want to use the liquid also, just enough to help you acute symptoms without causing diarrhea, Mag-tab SR
is 84mg elemental magnsium and it is 41% absorbable. I take 6/day.

One thing to keep in mind is that the epsoms salts that are used with liver/gallbladder flush will cause diarrhea which will cause
you to lose more magnesium and potassium. I no longer use epsoms salts when I do flushes. I take a little liq mag just to loosen
the ducts but that is it.

Go to and it will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about magnesium.

Hope this helps.


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