Maybe I should be posting this in another forum but I know and trust everbody here. Liver flushers seem to know atleast a little about everything!!
Anyway, last night I had a very rapid pulse and kept having light chest pains. This is not the first time it's happened. No pressure or anything, just some pain. I am a 27 year old female, have one child, done 5 liver flushes, and am overweight. I take calcium and magnesium every night which has seemed to help my heart symptoms. I used to have a pounding heartbeat and often palpitations almost every night after lying down.
I am getting scared and I want to do something naturally but I also don't want to mess with a possible heart problem. I will go to the doctor if I have to. (I live in Iowa where there are NO N.D.'s or holistic practitioners- atleat nowhere near me) Does anyone have any advice before I make an appointment. I know generally what I need to do for a healthy heart but I am afraid I need some immediate treatment or cure!! Please help!