Re: REALLY scary experience with CoQ10!
I just read your message and many others who have responded to you. One of them is stating that
parasites will produce dangerous ammonia which is a powerful neurotoxin. I tend to agree with that as I have had and still have sometimes panicky feelings like you, although not as severe anymore as some months ago.
I have found that vitamin C + bioflavanoids, liver herbs to support liver function, drinking lots of water (although you have mentioned that this affects you), and ingestion of pure Green French clay, accompanied with proper bowel motion has helped me to the point of zero panic attack. If I had one or prompting to have one I would fight them off (literally with my will and mind power) and rethink what am I doing wrong. It may be the lack of liver herbal tea, it could be the poor management of bowels, hence, constipation, hence, poor elimination and metabolism of these dangerous by products and chemicals.
So, I think you may have killed few
parasites with even ½ dose of CQ10, but elimination of these poisons from the body was poorly managed so you had these bad reactions from it, manifested as panic attack, heart palpitation, chest pain, etc.
I would recommend you, if I may, not to let go of killing these off, but to investigate, step by step, and in your own time (even if it takes month), how to manage your bowel, liver and kidneys> You should also investigate the amount of
parasite killing product(s) you can take not to make you ill, however, still to have desirable results. I believe if you achieve that, you will be able to take more CQ10 and to build up your body to take more upon itself and to fight back much better.
All the best.
From Igor.