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Am I back in the lead? Passed 20" tapeworm this am.
tiratu Views: 20,154
Published: 22 y
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Am I back in the lead? Passed 20" tapeworm this am.

Hi Guys!

Just wondering if I am back in the running for the prize having passed a 20" Tapeworm this morning? LOL!!

It looked pretty skinny until I decided to play with it in water. Then it became apparent that the guts were all gone and the exterior walls of the thing were like ripped open. So I could flatten it out width-ways as it were.

When I did that it was nearly an inch wide. So I'm guessing that when it was in the land of the living - or rather living in me, it was between 1/4 and half an inch round.

Guess what else? I found eggs inside it too!!!Little rice-sized lumps. Core blimey!!!

I woke my husband up to show him, because he has been passing tonnes of the eggs, but has not "got around" to taking the CoQ10 yet and has been irregular with his Old Amish Dewormer.

It woke him up out of his morning daze quick smart I tell you!!!

"That came out of you???!!!"

I think he got the point.

I have to say - as much as I adoooooore sashimi.

It is out of here!!!




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