I see. It is very good to read your answer. You are right. I feel all my studies are a like a test and also a process of learning “ a trial by fire”. But not learning about engineering. It is learning about life. Also I feel very weak in all sense and it is a challenge to me to overcome my weakness and my lack of clarity and try to understand many things. I am studying because I got a scholarship. Given it is so difficult for most of people to me it was very easy to get the scholarship. But now I am struggling with it. I loved to learn but know it is making me to think about my whole life. I am evaluating my values, my beliefs and my wishes. But I am lost because I really do not know what am I going to do with my whole life. But now I just want to get healthy, clean and have a new approach about health.
I really hope I can find my path in life.
Thank you for be there and help me.