your really great for trying to help her like this!
Tell us a bit about her... what is her diet like? does she drink milk? eat meat? does she eat veggies... how much water does she drink?
I would look into the enema thing... and start a gentle colon clease( someone might be able to recommend the best one here)
I have a strong feeling that she should start a parasite cleanse.. but she needs to be elliminating to be on the parasite cleanse.
Something getle she could start with is Triphala, available at a health food store. Also exercise and yoga... maybe a sauna might help..get some toxins out so she wont feel so bad (make sure she drinks plenty of water. Also at the health food store find some trace mineral drops and get her to add them to her water... this worked really well for me...
Some deep breathing and meditation techniques might be worth a try as well...