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I'm at the end of my rope, please help!
nonsense79 Views: 1,955
Published: 22 y

I'm at the end of my rope, please help!

It has been two months since I've been constipated, and I'm about ready to go to the doctor, to confirm what I most likely already know.

I am male, and I am 23 years old. I am 6 foot tall, 145 pounds, lean. I am in good health, except for one tiny factor, Constipation. I will go into further detail.

(Before my constipation episode began, my normal Bowel movements were around 2-3 times per day)

It all started around late January 28th, or 29th. I did something really stupid, called bad eating habits. It started out with me eating a large quantity of trail mix, and then a banana, followed by various other forms of food throughout the day, until at the end of the day I noticed something unusual; I was really bloated... I felt like I should need to use the facility, but I just couldn't... "Ah", I thought to myself "Constipation!"

Little at the time was I aware of healthy eating habits, colon health, etc. Well, so without much luck by the next morning of producing a bowel movement, I came to the unsavory conclusion of needing a laxative. What better laxative to use ontop of all that food in my large intestine than some Epson Salts?

"Hmmm, usually works within 1/2 hour. COOL!" Not cool. It took more like 4 or 5 hours, with extra epson salt.

After the flushing of my system, and the emptying of my large intestines, I felt satisfied... off to eat! More poor eating habits followed, as they did my whole life, only this time my body decided it had enough and started to constipate itself again in protest to my ignorance of good eating practice. So, thus began the cycle, for a week or so, of laxative abuse...

Being poor and not wanting to go to the doctor, fearing they are evil... decided to do my own research on colon health. I did. By mid February I was on a Juice fast for a week to try and cleanse out the 'baddies, and ickies' that might have built up in my colon.

I quickly became dismayed as I slowly tried to introduce raw foods into my diet after fasting, and I quickly became constipated - once again.

As a back NOTE: Occasionally while introducing myself to raw foods, I would be able to pass thin, soft stools - as if I had a stricture as a result of some ballooning in my sigmoid, or thereabouts. Also, one important health NOTE: I am an avid water drinker, I drink roughly my own weight in water each day... so I am plenty hydrated, as are my stools, and were the occasional times I was able to pinch out a couple soft bowel movements during my rollercoaster of fasting and fun.

After deciding the fasting was not good enough, and not deterred yet enough to go to the Doctor, I stumbled across this website, and found out about the lemonade master cleanse. I tried that for 10 days, and my system felt squeaky clean by the end of it... although I looked like a malnourished wraith. By this time, it was around early March... and thought, "Okay, now I can slowly work my way into the orange juice, broth, and then solid raw foods." I was able to get out little teeny bits of poo, about the proportion of two little fingers side by side. It was no use, because after taking it slow, and allowing two days, to see if I could work myself back onto a normal movement, the bowel movements weren't just coming right, and I was continuing to get farther backed up. My stools looked healthy, soft... no bleeding, except for the normal pain, one feels when constipated (or I felt) with the uncomfortable feeling on the lower left side.

What now? The next logical thing for me to try, (Also I had done several enemas interspersed throughout this ordeal, once I was learning about my different options of cleansing) would be to do a bowel cleansing kit, with fiber - powdered psyllium husk. I don't know why I would do this... I was sure this would plug my system up, but I found out it didn't... in conjunction with a liquid diet of apple juice, syrup, lemonade, and other fiberless juices... I was able to pass four or five stringy mucoid plaque-like movements in a narrow gummy, stringy form, over the course of my Bowel Cleanse formula plan. I did a few flushes, and felt clean, everything seemed to be working... SO I started working my way onto raw fruits again... I got a narrow two finger bit of stool to come out, much like the size of my psyllium-gummy soft tool prior. This was not encouraging. And it's too much a strain to get the little amount I do get when I can go. This is where I am now.

I have become so attuned to my own body, I know each process of digestion my body goes through when I eat a couple apples... I can feel it cross over my transverse colon, down my descending... into that pocket of hell down into my sigmoid area, and into the black hole of constipation-death.

Other than my bout of constipation, I feel great, detoxed, clean and healthy... if I ever get my stricture or whatever it is fixed, I plan on eating a health diet... this has been the most educating experience of my life. I want to thank you all for your messages that I've been reading over the course of the last month, and everything else.

I am now currently looking for cheap prices in the Portland, OR area for doctors who would do a Barium enema X-ray for cheap.

I'm sure I left out a lot of information that could be helpful to the answering of advance quetions, and I apologize, so please ask away, and help, if you may!

Thanks Again



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