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Re: Glory to God!
stofurz Views: 1,425
Published: 22 y
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Re: Glory to God!

We are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Praise God. It is good to testify of the Lord's goodness.
I am reading a book by Charles Finney. He says that there are two witnesses that people have.
From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.
NLT Copyright 1996 Tyndale Charitable Trust

The above verse shows the one witness. What can and can't be seen are both witnesses that there is a God.

The other witness is the human spirit and soul. The bible in all it's wisdom assumes that we believe that God exists from the very first verse. Every human has built within his spirit the witness that their is a God, that as humans we need to find Him and that we are sinners.

Every person knows deep down that there is a God and that we are in need of His Salvation. That is why the bible says that the fool has said in his heart "there is no God". It is because one has to fight against his very own conscience, inward witness, to believe that there is no God.
In people's search for God, the only thing that satisfies that search, with God himself, is the Word. The bible compliments the inward witness of the spirit that there is a God. And the bible will lead one to the rebirth of their spirit, and forgiveness through the sacrafice of Jesus, so that they can once again have access to God without guilt. Therfore the search is over. No need to endlessly try eastern religions, or cults, or denial(athiesm). No need to get on those religious circular paths that leads to nowhere and still leaves you feeling empty. Jesus fills the void, and you know, that you know, that you know you are God's child and He loves you. It's wonderful.
Jesus is Lord.


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