Great info, thanks. I have read a lot about the ever so fascinating Hermes Trismegistus aka Thoth (aka Quetzelcoatl?) character before. He was the chief architect (along with Ra) of the great pyramid and seemed to be considered by most in ancient times as the greatest philosopher, healer, alchemist, mathmetician, astonomer etc. in the world.
He was the civilizer of mankind and started the calendar.
Ra and the 'Emerald Tablet' teachings of Thoth are one in the same, it is further teachings of the law of one. ('As above so below', 'all originates from the one' etc.)
I resonate with this period, and particularily with ancient Greece. My above post is kind of confusing, it makes it sound like I want to learn more about ancient Greece and Egypt(which I do). But I actually was referring to my interest in finding out about methods people have used to retrieve memories from previous incarnate experiences.