This is Paolo Uccello
and this is Piero della Francesca, la Madonna del Parto (it isn't a nice photo, unluckily)
I had a very beautiful experience when still in highschool, that could enter a movie a bit melo'. It was a rainy day, my class had all gone to Arezzo for a two days visit, and we were all in a bar. I felt like staying on my own, and didn't mind the rain, went out of the bar and hanged around a bit. At a certain point the rain got really strong and I found shelter in a church, which happened to be the church of St. Frances, which is hosting the frescos of Piero della Francesca. As soon as I saw it I couldn't believe it. The milky light, the faces, this strangely cosmic breath you perceive so neatly in Piero, well, I knew them already, no doubt.
I can imagine in every detail the life in a "bottega", I can remember myself grinding the colors, I often recognize other paintings of that period of the very early Renaissance. I even look for them after the memory I have. It cannot be that I saw them when little because my parents were not too much in art (scientific dudes) and I remember of paintings that are not too famous. Erik's face has a lot of the faces of Piero.
I never tried to regress voluntarily. But I once regressed in a previous life by chance while doing some breathwork. It was all very neat and clear, and full of details. I don't know if with breathwork I could go to farther lives, but I think so, if you connect to some images or symbols that are very meaningful for you, you should succeed.