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Wake up!!!
Ayehasherayeh Views: 1,527
Published: 19 y
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Wake up!!!

This is obviously quite common.

Morning is a good time to meditate and the effort that it takes will give a reserve of motivation for those times. For me a good time to meditate also is late at night when all is quiet.

Stay alert to the inner going-ons if not then you will assuredly drift ainto either a passive trance or fall asleep. The trance is weird but I bet it does little to enhance growth.

So, you should meditate when you are awake and alert. Meditation for this reason may be most vital upon arising in the morning, as opposed to evenings when you may be tired from your work or other activities of the day.

Second, if you meditate with a full stomach, much of your energy will be diverted to digestion and less will be available for meditation. You are more prone to fall asleep when you meditate right after eating. If you have eaten, you will likely have better results if you wait two to three hours after a meal.

Third, avoid alcohol and drugs within a 24 to 48 hour period before meditating.
these dull sensitivity.

Try to meditate sitting upright in a cross legged pose as opposed to a chair or prone position. SO you get used to it and asociate this pose with mediatation as opposed to watching tv or getting drowsy.

I like doing a touch of yoga or breathing exercises before meditating. To slow the mind a bit.

Next make sure you pee, or whatever scratch, lick etc...... make sure your daily needs are provided food, sex before hand so you are not thinking of these things (just not right before)

Lastly try repeating a mantra or using visualization, focusing and listening (watching) doing japa which is mental repetition of the name of God. My favorite technique is watching the breath and becoming it until I can navigate within the gap and live within. Mindfulness is the key

As you progress in meditation, you will be able to actively concentrate your attention wherever you chose. If you can control your inner alertness in meditation, you will avoid falling asleep and wasting your valuable meditation time.



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