Re: help im afaid of death ; there is nothing to be afraid of.
Personally, I am not religious, I think that death is just a part of life.
I think of life in a whole, that all things and beings and elements are related to each other for ever and always, my life and the lives or what is around is the same thing to me, so if my body dies, LIFE is there, my life too. A spiritual point of view.
Epicurus said that there is nothing to fear about death, death can't be felt and what is not felt is nothing to us. It means we live what we feel, what we can't feel doesn't exist for us. A philosopher point of view.
Perhaps we can reincarnate or be in heaven, so if that thought makes some sense to you, see your after life as whatever you like and feel in tune with. I like to think I would be a flower or a bird, or a butterfly, or a drop of water, or a star in the sky, everything that makes me feel good and is beautiful.
Don't be afraid of death, it is part of life. And don't be afraid of life itself, live it.