you dont need any equipment to make kombucha tea. I do it this simple... I use 10% of starter and a part of the culture.
I boil my water and add tea bags after it has come to a boiling roll for 2 minutes. I boil it with the tea bags for like 40 seconds to 1 minute. Then I turn off heat and immediately add sugar. I then stir it up a lot with a woooden stick. I then put it in the fridge to let it cool fast and after that I just add the culture and starter in a jar that I bought pickles in from walmart. It has a big diameter and it is deep enough to make half a weeks worth.
I made a huge mistake on my second batch... I put in the culture and starter when it was a tab too hot. It made the culture break a lot of parts off of it and I thought it was going to die. The batch did produce another baby on the top so I was lucky. I will watch the temperature better for now on even if I feel the liquid and it feels ok. I am making a lot more now and I just drank some 5 minutes ago and it was from the new baby. I read where the new baby needs to mature some before the liquid is at its best. I do agree! I could tell that the tea wasnt very strong and probably could have let it set longer. I think its the babys fault though because I have let other tea sit for this long.
I stick the growing teas in between my cable modem and router and both give off heat. I think this helps a whole lot and makes it grow faster. They are not hot at all, but just give off enough temperature to help it grow. I love making it and I love drinking it now. I think it taste excellent and its almost habit forming to me:)