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RE: Memoirs of a Geisha
Fountain of Youth Views: 1,809
Published: 21 y
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RE: Memoirs of a Geisha

Yes, I forgot about that book. Very interesting as are some other 'historical/biography' type books:

Red Elk Speaks
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Little less real:
The Princess de Cleves ________________________________________________

On a side note, I loved 'Ender's Game.' Thought the rest of the series was okay except for the one where Jane inhabits Val's body...think that is 'Children of the Mind.'

I enjoyed the wheel of time series by Robert Jordan, you might too. Not so much for the writing skills but by the epic nature of the books and how each book builds on all of those before it. I was quite impressed getting into the fifth book or so to notice something had been set up in the first book to prepare the reader for the facts that were to come out later in the series, thousands of pages later. I haven't read some of the more recent additions to the series. I feel that in order to properly enjoy them, I need to go back and start again at the beginning.


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