Re: Janika
Hey Sue,
I am no expert but I'll share what I think if you care to hear it. I am pretty new here & I am on a quest for better health. I am doing a
Bowel Cleanse now but plan to do other cleanses too. I think so things kids swallow do pass but some find their way to a little nook or cranny in the intestines & as a defense method is secreted with mucus & ends up in/with muciod plaque. You need to read Tracey's post about her boyfriend passing a penny he swallowed as a child during the bowel cleanse. Also if you haven't read it already go to the doctor within and read the journey to the center of the colon. As far as all cancers being caused by parasites... I'm not sure I buy that but I do think it makes sense that
parasites look for the weakest or diseased cells to live in. I don't have a lot of faith in the medical community. I think they are a little brain washed against herbal/natural/holistic treatments... not sure why, maybe because some things can't be regulated or maybe the pharmaceutical co. are in it with them for the money or maybe they're afraid of putting themselves out of business... whatever the reason I think some things they do know but feel they can't or won't share just to cover their own butts. So even if Clark or Schultz is right on the money I doubt the medical community would ever accept it & use it.
Maybe someone else here can give you more information.
Oh... & I was not slamming you since you are a nurse... I think it is great you are here & are questioning things.
Also I think we are all from different countries here. I know I have read posts from Australia, Spain, Canada & USA... I'm sure there are more.